This interview was conducted by Dr. Suzanna Henshon and was published in the Roeper Review journal. It traces my entry into the field of the education of the gifted and talented and the genesis of my writing and reading interests.
This interview was conducted by Dr. Michael Shaughnessy and some of his graduate students. It was published in the journal Gifted Education International. I discuss my work and give my traces my opinion on several matters within the field of the education of the gifted and talented..
I was invited to be a case in a dissertation about 12 mature creative women in various fields, by researcher Susan Keller-Mathers of Buffalo State College. She sent me a questionnaire which I filled out, and then she did a followup phone call and transcribed it. This material is from 2003, before I published the third editions of Understanding Those Who Create and Talented Children and Adults, and before I won several awards. (See my CV.) Dr. Keller-Mathers says she refers to me as Don’t Fence Me In, so I think this is an apt title for the interviews that constitute this portion of this page.