At the Top of the Ladder is the Sky


© Jane Piirto. All Rights Reserved.


The ladder is

entrance to a higher level

link between heaven and earth

stairway to the other world.

the dead Egyptian king climbed

to the sky on a ladder

Jacob dreamed a ladder

“behold the angels of God

ascending and descending

on it; this is none other

than the house of God

this is the gate of heaven

the ark of the covenant

this is Bethel”

Mohammed saw a ladder

rising into the sky from Jerusalem,

the souls of the just ascending to god

Freud said ladder dreams

symbols of sex, libido, conflict

Maori heroes used a ladder-vine

to climb to god

Hawaii hai’ku

stairway to heaven

The ladder is

entrance to a lower place–

What is down in the basement?

Think of Jack and the beanstalk

a sleepy giant above

his hungry mother below

Think of Cabala, The Tree of Life

branches leading up and down

of Buddha beneath the Po tree

Going up, good luck.

Going down, bad luck.

If you walk under a ladder

you will break the perfect line

of the golden triangle.

On the way up the valley

the Ceremonial Cave.

Here in Frijoles Bandolier

a brook pours holy water

straight into the spirit hole

ce papu in the kiva,

the birth day

of the transformation.