Amish Angelus

There is plowing there, sowing there, there are all sorts of increase there.  .Runo 28, Kalevala[1]


© Jane Piirto   All Rights Reserved



beneath a melon pink and streaked orange vat

while driving home at dusk along the fields

a man in blue, suspenders, beige straw hat

thrown back above his shaggy beard, his shields

his knotted forearms, craggy hands that hold

the reins of two tan Belgians, creamy maned

their toss and plod, their pulling; bending; bold.


he walks behind them leaning back, his veined

and muscled legs resist black clumps of sod

in farm Ohio where they live for God

although this sight near here is commonplace

his shadowed sunset face reminds of grace

each morning past my house on Walnut Street

their buggies’ horses’ bells ting, faux Millet.

[1] Quotations from The Kalevala from Keith Bosley’s translation, 1989, Oxford University Press.


Audio of poem “Amish Angelus” by Jane Piirto


Publication information:

Piirto, J. (2008). Amish Angelus. Greenhouse: Anthology of Rustbelt Roethke Writers’ Workshop. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press, p. 43.