At Delphi (poem)
Here is an audio version of the poem, “At Delphi,” read by and written by Jane Piirto
© Jane Piirto. All Rights Reserved
“For prophecy is a madness, and the prophetess at Delphi and the priestesses at Dodona when out of their senses have conferred great benefits on Hellas, both in public and private life, but when in their senses few or none.” Plato: Phaedrus
the grave dignity
of ancient pillars
Apollo’s spirit
wants coin offerings
thus it was
thus it is
the breath inside earth
cold fire deep within streams forth to the air
listen! pilgrims call
to the middle-aged
oracle. hers is
Eros’ clear dispatch
on ancient stone ruins
Oracle murmurs
her enigmatic cries
her intuition’s
among spring’s poppies
purple yellow spills
grapes, olives, white buds
lombardy tumble
slight creaking of moans
walk holy pine groves
steep as those tea leaves
clear as crystal balls
the probe to the World’s
Navel from the hive
halcyon sun climb
winds the sacred path
The way to the truth?
a delicate moan
a click of insects
hot insight at noon
proclaims the giddy
watercolor sign
What is your question?
The Oracle says
her eyes in her trance
lit with butterflies.
we wait, quite cautious
as if this really were
a therapist’s room
reply in the age old way
What is your answer?
Publication history:
Piirto, J. (1999). At Delphi. Silent Midnight Snow Comes Down: 25 Years of Christmas Poems. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.