Crosscountry: A Poem by Jane Piirto. All Rights Reserved

“Make me a left ski to push / a right ski to skoot!” Runo 13
Cleveland Location Ski Area, Ishpeming, Michigan
Dry brown maple and oak leaves
Rattle, still on branches.
The creak of saplings
and silence.
Our skis rasp when we fling
on this crusted snow,
whir as we bend to hills.
Today the sky is colorado.
The light ends on gray rocks.
Mountain ash berries on their branches
look like Christmas decorations
through bare trees
near dark green cedar swamps.
Squirrels that glance across the track
cross trail with snowshoe rabbits
passing by
the hats of acorns on the path.
On a sunny day we go in sweater
Arms, bare-headed ,and the snow
tinsels grainy with slices of ice.
We should have used red wax.
We go fast, we crabwalk up the hills,
the shadows of twigs crisscross,
a black and white oriental rug beneath us,
shadows of the sides of the grooves
look like mountain ridges from a plain
and there is no rejection here
the ground receives the snow in lumps
soft and sculpted mounds
a casual overlay.
The grass insists near rocks and trees
Young boys we pass gleam sweat
on lips and brows
but we are fit,
we keep our sweaters on
and tramp beyond them;
we knew this place
before they made it public.
We stop to talk
about our lives
away from here,
we lean on poles,
face sun on slope.
it is good to be as we are,
friends since we were three,
in love with movement on skis
on snow in woods.
We are this place’s children.
This healing is enough.
Dedicated to Susan Luoma Larson