CV: Jane Piirto, Ph.D.



JANE PIIRTO is Trustees’ Distinguished Professor Emerita at Ashland University in Ohio. She is an award-winning scholar in education and psychology, and a widely published and award-winning poet and novelist. 

Ø   Her scholarly books are Organic Creativity in the Classroom: Teaching to Intuition in Academics and in the Arts; Creativity for 21st Century Skills; Talented Children and Adults (3 editions; Understanding Those Who Create (2 editions, 2nd edition Parents’ Choice & Glyph Awards); Understanding Creativity; Luovuus“My Teeming Brain”: Understanding Creative Writers.

Ø    Her literary books are The Three-Week Trance Diet (award-winning novel); A Location in the Upper Peninsula (collected poems, stories, essays), The Arrest (novel on Kindle and Nook), and Saunas (poems), as well as several poetry and creative nonfiction chapbooks. 

Ø   She has published many scholarly articles and literary works in peer-reviewed journals and anthologies. She is listed as both a poet and a writer in the Directory of American Poets and Writers. She was named an Ohio Magazine educator of distinction, and has an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Northern Michigan University (in 2004).

  • In 2017 she received the International Creativity Award from the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children
  • In 2014 she received the E. Paul Torrance Award in Creativity from the National Association for Gifted Children. 

Ø   In 2010 she was named Distinguished Scholar by the National Association for Gifted Children.

Ø   In 2007 she was awarded the Mensa Lifetime Achievement Award by the Mensa Education and Research Foundation. 

Ø   She is a former member of the Board of Directors of the National Association for Gifted Children. She was awarded the Higher Education Award from the Ohio Association for Gifted Children. She regularly speaks and consults nationally and internationally and has given over 1,000 speeches, consultations, and workshops.

 Ø   She has worked with students pre-K to doctoral level as a teacher, professor, and administrator, has taught the gifted endorsement courses and supervised the programs of more than 600 M.Ed. students, has worked with more than 2,000 talented teenagers from 1989 to 2009 in an annual grant-funded summer honors institute, has been the qualitative research methodologist in the doctoral program in educational eadership, and has chaired and served on dissertation committees. 


  • Listed in Directory of American Poets and Fiction Writers since 1980s, qualified by publications in both poetry and fiction, one of only about 1,200 American writers who meet publication standards in both genres.

  • 2007, Mensa Lifetime Achievement Award. Mensa Education and Research Foundation.
    • 2008— 1st podcast of Mensa Education and Research Foundation, on women and creativity.
  • 2007, Lifetime Achievement Award. Ohio Association for Gifted Children
  • 2007, Letter of Citation by the Ohio Legislature as an outstanding citizen of Ohio.
  • 2006, Featured in lead interviewRoeper Review
  •  2004, Awarded Honorary Degree Doctor of Humane Letters from Northern Michigan University, Marquette, Michigan. Commencement speaker. Speech on web page:
  • 2004, Lifetime Achievement Award from Ohio Council of Coordinators of the Gifted.
  •  2004, Ohio Magazine Ohio Educator of Distinction.
  •  2002-2006, Member, Board of Directors of the National Association for Gifted Children,
  • 2001-2009, Member and chair of Board of Directors, American Educational Research Association SIG, Research on the Intellectually Gifted and Talented,
  • Member of Ohio Advisory Council for Gifted Education since mid 1990s.
  • External reviewer for colleagues’ applications to full professor at Teacher’s College, Columbia University; Simon Fraser University; University of British Columbia; University of Georgia; Oklahoma State University; Northern Michigan University; Rider University.
  • 1998, Appointed a Trustees’ Distinguished Professor at Ashland University. Only the fourth in the history of the institution. This is an award for full professors. It is a lifetime appointment.
  • 1996, Visiting Professorship in Educational Psychology/ Gifted Education and Creativity Studies at the University of Georgia.
  • Editorial Review Boards: Journal for Creative Behavior, Roeper Review, Journal for the Education of the Gifted, Gifted Child Quarterly,High Ability Studies, Advanced Development, Advanced Academics. Invited reviewer for Educational ResearcherAnthropology and Education Quarterly, Journal of Advanced Academics, Journal for Women and Minorities in Science, Encyclopedia of Creativity, Giftedness, and Talent, Learning Landscapes, Gifted Children Today
  • External reviewer for dissertations at University of Helsinki; University of Calgary; University of British Columbia; Monash University; Woolongong University, Australia, and others.
  • 2015- Committee co-chair for dissertation at the University of Toledo.
  • 1993, Individual Artist Fellowship in Poetry. $5,000. Ohio Arts Council.
  • 1991-92, Provost’s Teaching Scholar – Ashland University.
  • 1991, Panelist, Overview Advisory Panel, Arts in Education, National Endowment for the Arts, Washington, D.C.
  • 1991, Judge, Ohio Book Awards. Ohioana Library Association.
  • 1990, Fulbright Hays Fellowship to Argentina
  • 1988, Consulted with American schools in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Greece, and Egypt 
  • 1985, Carpenter Press First Novel Award.
  • 1983, 84, 85–Chair, Ohio Arts Council Literature Panel.
  • 1982, Individual Artist Fellowship in Fiction. $6,000. Ohio Arts Council.
  • 1980, Finalist, Iowa Short Fiction Contest. Judge: Raymond Carver. Nominated for Pushcart.
  • 1975-76, University Fellow. Bowling Green State Univ.
  • 1964-65, Graduate Assistant. Kent State University English department.
  • 1962-63, Editor of university newspaper, Northern Michigan University.
  • 1963, Alternate and National Semi-finalist. Woodrow Wilson Fellowships.
  • 1960, Sampo Society, Suomi College
  • 1959, National Honor Society; also Betty Crocker Homemaker of the Year Award


Ph.D. (Leadership) Bowling Green State University, Ohio. 1977.

M.Ed. (Counseling). South Dakota State University. 1973.

M.A. (English). Kent State University, Ohio. 1966.

B.A. (Lib. Arts/English). Northern Michigan University, 1963. Magna Cum Laude. Major: English. Minors: French, Speech/Theater.

Attended Augsburg College 1960.

Attended Suomi College 1959-60. Sampo Honorary Society.

Ishpeming, Mich. High School, 1959. Nat’l Honor Society.



Piirto, J. (Ed.)  (2014). Organic Creativity in the Classroom: Teaching to Intuition in Academics and in the ArtsWaco, TX: Prufrock Press.

Piirto, J. (2011). Creativity for 21st Century Skills: How to Embed Creativity into the Curriculum. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

Piirto, J. (2011). The Piirto Pyramid. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press. E-book on Kindle and Nook.

Piirto, J. (2011). Guidance and counseling of the gifted and talented. E-book on Kindle and Nook.

Piirto, J. (2007). Talented Children and Adults: Their Development and Education, 3rd edition. Prufrock Press. 765 pages.

Piirto, J. (2004). Understanding Creativity. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press.

Piirto, J. (2002). My Teeming Brain: Understanding Creative Writers. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Uusikylä, K., & Piirto, J. (2000). Luovuus: Taitl Löytää, Rohkeus Toteuttaa. Jyväskylä, FI: WSOY Publishers. In Finnish.

Piirto, J. (1999). Talented Children and Adults: Their Development And Education.2nd Edition. Columbus, OH: Prentice Hall/Merrill.

Piirto, J. (1998). Understanding Those Who Create. 2nd Edition. Tempe, AZ: Great Potential Press.

Piirto, J. (1994). Talented Children and Adults: Their Development and Education. New York: Macmillan/Merrill.

Piirto, J. (1992). Understanding Those Who Create. Dayton, OH: Ohio Psychology Press. Also translated into Chinese.


 For full text and scholarly impact of these articles, see

Piirto, J. (2022). Talent development in the arts: A unique pathway or branches on a common road? In VanTassel-Baska, J. (Ed.), Talent development in gifted education: Theory, research and practice: New York, NY: Routledge.

Piirto, J. (2021). Organic creativity for 21st Century Skills. Education Science, 202111(11), 680;

Female Teacher/Researcher  Piirto, J. (2021). Female teacher/researcher: My work in talent development education and in creativity education. In D. Dai and R. Sternberg (Eds.). Scientific Inquiry into Human Potential: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives Across Disciplines (pp. 142-154). New York, NYRoutledge.

Piirto, J.  (2019). Eminence in talented women by domain: Issues, similarities and differences utilizing the Piirto Pyramid of Talent Development as a theoretical framework. In B. Wallace, D. A. Sisk, and J. Senior (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Gifted and Talented Education (pp. 117-128). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Piirto, J.  (2018). The creative process in writers. In T. Lubart, (Ed.). The Creative Process: Perspectives from multiple domains (pp. 89-123).London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

(2018).  Interview with Jane Piirto. Sansom, S., Barnes, B., Carrizales, J., & Shaughnessy, M.F. (2018). A reflective conversation with Jane Piirto. Gifted Education International, pp. 1-16. DOI: 10.1177/0261429416650950

Piirto, J. (2016). The Five Core Attitudes and Seven I’s for enhancing creativity in the classroom. In J. Kaufman and R. Beghetto (Eds.). Nurturing creativity in the classroom, 2nd Ed. (pp. 142-171). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Piirto, J. (2016). The creative process in gifted creators. Psychologia Wychowawcza. (in Polish)

Piirto, J.  (2016). The creative intelligence of teachers resisting the Pearsonizing of global education. In D. Ambrose & R. Sternberg (Eds.). Creative intelligence in the 21st Century: Coping with enormous problems and huge opportunities (pp. 139-158). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. 

Piirto, J. (2015). Poems written in service of “service.” In K. Galvin and M. Prendergast (Eds.). Poetic inquiry II: Seeing, caring, understanding(pp. 124-148). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. 

Oreck, B., & Piirto, J. (2014). Through the eyes of an artist: Engaging teaching artists in educational assessment. In D. Risner & M. E. Anderson (Eds.), Hybrid lives of teaching artists in dance and theatre arts: A critical reader (pp. 231-253). Amherst, NY: Cambria Press. 

Piirto, J., & Keller-Mathers, S. (2014). Mary M. Meeker: A deep commitment to individual differences (1921-2003)In A. Robinson and J. Jolly (Eds.), Illuminating lives: A century of contributions to gifted education (pp. 277-288). New York, NY: Routledge. 

and Piirto, J. (2014). Visual and performing arts talent development. In C. Callahan and J. Plucker (Eds.) Critical Issues and Practices in Gifted Education (pp. 723-734)Washington, DC: National Association for Gifted Children.

Piirto, J. (2013). But Isn’t everyone creative? In K. Kim, J. Kaufman, J. Baer, & B. Sriraman (Eds.), Creatively gifted students are not like other gifted students (pp. 213-230). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. 

Piirto, J. (2012). A week in creativity. Learning Landscapes online journal. Autumn, 2012, No. 1.

Piirto, J. & Fraas, J. (2012). A mixed-methods comparison of vocational and identified gifted high school students on The Overexcitability Questionnaire (OEQ). Journal for the Education of the Gifted35(1), 3-34.

Piirto, J. (2012). Themes in the lives of creative writers. In E. Grigorenko, E. Mambrino, and S. Preiss (Eds.), Handbook of writing: A mosaic of perspectives and views (pp. 241-256). New York, NYPsychology Press. 

Piirto, J. (2011). Entry, Synchronicity. In M. Runco and S. Pritzker (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, 2nd Ed. vol. 2, pp. 409-413. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. 

Piirto, J. (2011). Entry. Poetry. In M. Runco and S. Pritzker (Eds.),  Encyclopedia of Creativity, 2nd Ed. vol. 2, pp. 244-249. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.  

Piirto, J. (2011). Entry. Talent and creativity. In M. Runco and S. Pritzker (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, 2nd Ed. vol. 2, pp. 427-434. San Diego, CA: Academic Press

Piirto, J. (2011). Entry. Ella Fitzgerald. In M. Runco and S. Pritzker (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Creativity, 2nd Ed. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. 

Piirto, J. (2010). The Five Core Attitudes and Seven I’s for enhancing creativity in the classroom. In J. Kaufman and R. Beghetto (Eds.). Nurturing creativity in the classroom (pp. 142-171). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Piirto, J. (2010). 21 years with the Dabrowski Theory: An autoethnographyAdvanced Development Journal.

Piirto, J. (2009). “All Children” includes the talented: A poetic inquiry. Special issue of Educational Insights13(3). [Available:]

Piirto, J. (2009). Reaction to women and pedagogy. In P. C. Burke (Ed.), Women and pedagogy: Education through autobiographical narrative (pp. 145-156). Troy, NY: Educator’s International Press, Inc.

Piirto, J. (2009).  Eminence and creativity in selected visual artists. In B. Macfarlane and T Stambaugh (Eds.), Leading change in gifted education (pp. 13-27). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press. Festschrift volume for Joyce VanTassel-Baska. 

Piirto, J. (2009). The creative process as creators practice it: A view of creativity with emphasis on what creators really do. In B. Cramond (Ed.), Perspectives in gifted education: Creativity (pp. 42-67). University of Denver, CO: Institute for the Development of Gifted Education.

Piirto, J. (2009). The question of quality and qualifications: Writing inferior poems as qualitative research In C. Leggo, P. Sameshima, and M. Prendergast (Eds.), Poetic inquiry: Vibrant voices in the social sciences (pp. 83-109).. Rotterdam, The Netherlands:  Sense Publishers 

Piirto, J. (2009). Personalities of creative writers.  In S. Kaufman & J. Kaufman (Eds.), Psychology of Creative Writing (pp. 3-23). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. 

Piirto, J. (2009). Entry: Creative communities. In B. Kerr (Ed.), Encyclopedia of giftedness, creativity, and talent (pp. 179-180). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications. 

Piirto, J. (2009). Entry. Creativity assessment. In B. Kerr (Ed.), Encyclopedia of giftedness, creativity, and talent (pp.206-209). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.

Piirto, J. (2009). Entry. Eminent women. In B. Kerr (Ed.), Encyclopedia of giftedness, creativity, and talent (pp. 314-318). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.

Piirto, J. (2009). Entry. Film and film-making gifted. In B. Kerr (Ed.), Encyclopedia of giftedness, creativity, and talent (pp. 356-358). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.

Piirto, J. (2009). Entry. Poets Laureate. In B. Kerr (Ed.), Encyclopedia of giftedness, creativity, and talent (pp. 681-683). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.

Piirto, J. (2009). Entry. Writers. In B. Kerr (Ed.), Encyclopedia of giftedness, creativity, and talent (pp. 952-954). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.

Piirto, J. (2009). Entry. Creative writing. Also a sidebar of the poem, “”Fraternity Bar in Athens, Georgia.” Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research. Sage Publications.

Reynolds, F. C., & Piirto, J. (2009). Depth psychology and integrity. In T. Cross and D. Ambrose (Eds.). Morality, Ethics, and Gifted Minds (pp. 195-206). New York, NY: Springer Science.  

Piirto, J. (2008). Themes in the lives of Finnish orchestra conductors. With Dr. Kari Uusikyla, In M. Laitinen & M-L. Kainulainen (Eds.). Musikaalisuuden ytimessä: In the heart of musicality. Essays in honour of Kai Karma (pp. 41-54). Helsinki, FI: Sibelius-Akatemia / Musikkikasvatuksen osasto. Edited book from Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland.

Piirto, J. (2008). Giftedness in nonacademic domains. In S. Pfeiffer (Ed.), Handbook of Giftedness in Children Psycho-Educational Theory, Research, and Best Practices ( pp. 367-386). New York: Springer. 

Piirto, J. 2008). Krishnamurti And me: Meditations on his philosophy of curriculum and on India. In C. Eppert and H. Wong (Eds.). Cross-cultural studies in curriculum: Eastern thought, educational insights (pp. 247-266). New York: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Piirto, J. (2008). An interview With Michael PyrytJournal of Advanced Academics, 19 (2), 345-353.

Special issue of Mensa Research Journal was devoted to reprints of Piirto’s qualitative research:

Piirto, J. (2008). Why does a writer write? Because. Mensa Research Journal, 39(1), 7-18.

Piirto, J. (2008). Implications of postmodern curriculum theory for the education of the talented. Mensa Research Journal, 39(1), 19-32.

 Piirto, J. (2008). Themes in the lives of successful contemporary U.S. women creative writers. Mensa Research Journal, 39(1), 33-39.

Piirto, J. (2008). “I live in my own bubble”: The values of talented adolescentsMensa Research Journal, 39(1), 33-49.

Piirto, J. (2008). “Motivation is all: Then they can do anything”: Portrait of an Indian school for the gifted and talented. Mensa Research Journal, 39(1), 62-73.

Piirto, J. (2008). Understanding creativity in domains using the Piirto Pyramid of Talent Development as a framework. Mensa Research Journal, 39(1), 74-84.

Piirto, J. (2008). Rethinking the creativity curriculum: An organic approach to creativity enhancement. Mensa Research Journal, 39(1), 85-94.

Piirto, J. Montgomery, D., & May, J. (2008). A comparison of Dabrowkis overexcitabilities by gender for American and Korean high school gifted students. High Ability Studies19(2), 141-153.

Piirto, J. (2007). Creativity. In J. L. Kincheloe and R. A. Horn (Eds.), The Praeger Handbook of Education and Psychology, pp. 310-320.  Santa Barbara, CA:  Greenwood Press.

Piirto, J. (2007). Understanding visual artists. In K. Tirri (Ed.), Values and foundations in gifted education. Pieterlen, Switzerland: Peter Lang International. (Keynote address for 2006 European Council for High Ability conference in Lahti, Finland).

Reynolds, F. C., & Piirto, J. (2007). Honoring and suffering the Thorn: Marking, naming, initiating, and eldering: Depth psychology, II. Roeper Review, 29(5), 48-53.

 Piirto, J. (2005). “I live in my own bubble”: Values of talented adolescents before and after 9/11/2001. Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, XVI (2/3), 106-119.

Piirto, J. (2005) Rethinking the creativity curriculumGifted Education Communicator, 36 (2), 12-19. Journal of the California Association for the Gifted.

Piirto, J. (2005). The creative process in poets. In J. Kaufman and J. Baer (Eds). Creativity in domains: Faces of the muse (pp. 1-21). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Piirto, J. , & Johnson, G. (2004). Personality attributes of talented teenagersProceedings of European Council for High Ability Conference, Pamplona, Spain. CD-ROM. 

Feldman, D. H., & Piirto, J. (2002). Parenting talented children. In M. Bornstein ;(Ed.), Handbook of Parenting, Second Edition, Vol. 5 (pp. 195-219). 

Reynolds, F., & Piirto, J. (2005). Depth psychology and giftedness: Bringing soul to the field of talent development educationRoeper Review, 17, 164-171. 

Piirto, J. (2003, August). Values of talented adolescents before and after 9/11/2001. Gifted 2003: A celebration downunder. Conference Proceedings. 1-5 August, 2003. Adelaide, South Australia. CD-ROM.

Piirto, J. (2003). Values of talented adolescents before and after 9/11/2001. Proceedings of European Council for High Ability Conference, Rhodes, Greece, October, 2002.

Piirto, J. (2002). The question of quality and qualifications: Writing inferior poems as qualitative researchInternational Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education15 (4), 431-445,

Piirto, J. (2002). The unreliable narrator, or the difference between writing prose in literature and in social science. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 15(4), 407-415.

Piirto, J. (2002). Motivation is all. Then they can do anything. Qualitative portrait of a school for the gifted and talented in India. Gifted Child Quarterly, 46(3), 181-192.

Piirto, J. (2002). My teeming brain: Understanding creative writersTalent Development, V

Piirto, J. (2001, Spring). Themes in the lives of adult creative writersTempo, XXI (2), p. 4, ff.

Piirto, J. (2001). Twelve Issues: Implications of postmodern curriculum theory for the education of the talented. In N. Colangelo & S. G. Assouline (Eds.). Talent Development, IV (pp. 399-405). Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press. Proceedings from the 1998 Henry B. and Jocelyn Wallace National Research Symposium on Talent Development. University of Iowa.

Piirto, J. (2000). The Piirto Pyramid of Talent Development: A conceptual frameworkGifted Child Today, 23(6), 22-29.

Piirto, J. (2000). How parents and teachers can enhance creativity in children. In M.D. Gold & C. R. Harris (Eds.), Fostering creativity in children, K-8: Theory and practice (pp. 49-68). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Piirto, J. (2000). Krishnamurti and me: Meditations on India and on his philosophy of educationJournal for Curriculum Theorizing, 16 (2), pp. 109-124.

Piirto, J. (2000). Some Questions for the education of the gifted and talented. In D. Montgomery, (Ed.), Able underachievers (pp. 1-30).London, UK: Whurr Publishers, Ltd.

Piirto, J. (1999). Implications of postmodern curriculum theory for the education of the talentedJournal for the Education of the Gifted, 22(4), 386-406.

Piirto, J. (1999). A survey of psychological studies of creativity. In A. Fishkin, B. Cramond, & P. Olszewski-Kubilius (Eds.). Investigating creativity in youth (pp. 10-25). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Piirto, J. (1999). A different approach to creativity enhancementTempo, XIX, 3, 1,

Piirto, J. (1999, Spring). Asynchrony and the gifted. Understanding Our Gifted, 11 (3), 12-15.

Piirto, J. (1999, November). Metaphor and image in counseling the talentedSpotlight: Newsletter of the Arts Division of the National Association for Gifted Children, pp. 6-7.

Piirto, J. (1999). Themes in the lives of successful contemporary U.S. women creative writers at midlife: A qualitative study. In N. Colangelo & S. G. Assouline (Eds.). Talent development, III (pp. 173-202). Scottsdale, AZ: Gifted Psychology Press. Invited paper. Presented at 1995 Third Wallace Symposium on Talent Development. University of Iowa.

Piirto, J. (1999). Entry. Poetry. In M. Runco & S. Pritzer (Eds.) Encyclopedia of creativity, (pp. 409-416). San Diego: Academic Press.

Piirto, J. (1999). Entry. Synchronicity. In M. Runco & S. Pritzer (Eds.) Encyclopedia of creativity, (pp. 591-596). San Diego: Academic Press.

Piirto, J., Cassone, G., & Wilkes, P. (1999). Talent development in the middle schoolIn C. Walley & G. Gerrick (Eds.), Affirming middle school education (pp. 134-149). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Piirto, J. (I998.) Themes in the lives of contemporary U.S. women creative writers at midlifeRoeper Review, 21 (1), 60-70. (Special issue on creativity guest edited by Karen Rogers and Sandra Kay).

Piirto, J. (1998). Feeling boys, thinking girls, and judging teachers: Talented students and the MBTI. Proceedings of the 1998 Conference of the Center for the Application of Personality Types (CAPT) Conference in Orlando, Florida, March 8.

Piirto, J., Cassone, G., & Fraas, J. (1996, May 23). A study of intensity in talented teenagers using the Overexcitability Questionnaire. Paper presented at The Second Biennial Conference on Dabrowski’s Theory of Positive Disintegration. May 22-26, 1996, Banff, Alberta, Canada. In the Proceedings also

Cummings, C., & Piirto, J. (1997). Educating talented young children in an era of school reform. In J. Smutney (Ed.). Young gifted children (pp. 380-389). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. 

Piirto, J. (1995). Predictive behaviors and crystallizing experiences in male college student artistsSpotlight: Newsletter of the National Association for Gifted Children Visual and Performing Arts Special Interest Group.

Piirto, J. (1995). The Pyramid of Talent Development in the context of the Giftedness Construct. In M. W. Katzko., and F.J. Monks (Eds). Nurturing Talent: Individual needs and social ability: Proceedings of the European Council for High Ability Conference (pp. 10-20).. The Netherlands: Van Gorcum, Assen.

Piirto, J. (1995). Deeper, Wider, Broader: the Pyramid of Talent Development in the Context of the Giftedness Construct. Educational Forum, 59 (4), 363-371. Guest editor: John Feldhusen.

Piirto, J., & Fraas, J. (1995). Androgyny in the personalities of talented adolescents. The Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 1(3), 93-102. 

Feldman, D., & Piirto, J. (1995). Parenting talented children. In M. Bornstein (Ed.), Handbook of Parenting. I ., pp. 285-304. New York: Longman.

Piirto, J. (1994). A few thoughts on actorsSpotlight: Newsletter for the Visual and Performing Arts. Washington, DCNational Association for Gifted Children, 1-2.

Piirto, J. , & Battison, S. (1994). Successful creative women writers at midlife. In N. Colangelo, S. Assouline, & D. Ambroson (Eds.), Talent Development, II: Proceedings from 1993 Wallace Symposium on Talent Development. (pp. 245-246). Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Press.

Piirto, J. (1991). Why are there so few? (creative women: visual artists, mathematicians, musicians). Roeper Review, 13(3), 142-147.

Piirto, J. (1992). The existence of writing prodigy: Children with extraordinary writing talent. In N. Colangelo, S. Assouline, and D. Ambroson  (Eds.). Talent Development, I (pp. 387-389). Unionville, NY: Trillium.

Piirto, J. (1991). Encouraging creativity in adolescents. In J. Genshaft & M. Bireley (Eds.). Gifted and talented adolescents (pp. 104-122). New York: Teachers College Press.

Piirto, J. (1990). The effect of early IQ on high school achievementResearch Briefs. Washington, DC: National Association for Gifted Children.

Piirto, J. (1990). Profiles of creative adolescentsUnderstanding Our Gifted, 2, 1.

Piirto, J. (1989a). Does writing prodigy exist? Creativity Research Journal, 2, 134-35.

Piirto, J. (1989b, May/June). Linguistic prodigy: Does it exist? Gifted Children Monthly, pp. 1-2.

Piirto, J. (1989, July/August). What do you do in a primary gifted program? Gifted Children Today, pp. 33-34.

Piirto, J. (1989, November/ December). What did Robert Kennedy die of? Cultural literacy for gifted students. Gifted Children Today, pp. 51-53.

Higham, S., & Navarre, J. Piirto. (1984). Gifted adolescent females require differential treatment. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 8 (1), 43-49.

Navarre, J. Piirto. (1983, Jan/Feb.). How the teacher of the gifted can use the Structure of the Intellect. Gifted/Creative/Talented, pp.l6-17.

Piirto, J. 1982). The use of the Structure of Intellect Learning Abilities Test in student assessmentIn D. Friedrich and J. Carroll (Eds.), Program Evaluation and Student Assessment (pp. 143-91). Mt. Pleasant, Mich: Central Michigan University Press.

Navarre, J. Piirto. (1980). Is what is good for the gander, good for the goose: Should gifted girls receive differential treatment? Roeper Review, 2 (3), 21-25.

Navarre, J. Piirto (1978). Intuition in the creative processGifted Child Quarterly, 22 (3), 276-281.


Video. 2017. Keynote speech at World Conference for Gifted and Talented Children Conference, Melbourne, Australia.

Video. 2016. An Educational Leader. Ashland University Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa. YouTube:

Podcast. 2010. Mensa Research and Education Foundation. Interview by Tarek Saab of Jane Piirto on Women and Creativity. (1st Mensa podcast.)

(1999, 2002 & 2005, and 2008). Author of chapter on giftedness and talent. Exceptional Children, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Editions. With W. Heward. New York, NY: Pearson.

The Piirto Pyramid, my model of the psychological development of talent, has appeared in various undergraduate textbooks on special education in the chapter on gifted and talented students. Approximate circulation: 350,000.

Piirto, J. (2000). Featured author in special boxed section, Precocity as hallmark of giftedness. In Exceptional Children, 5th Edition. W. Heward, Author. Merrill/Prentice-Hall.

Piirto, J. (1995). Featured author in special boxed section, “A new school definition of giftedness” in Exceptional Children (3rd Edition), W. Heward. author. Prentice-Hall/Merrill.

Audio Tape (2005 & 2006). The Seven I’s of Creativity: Intuition.” National Association for Gifted Children. with William Keilty, and “A New Educational Psychology of Creativity.

Audio Tape (2004). “The Seven I’s of Creativity: The Visitation of the Muse: Inspiration.” National Association for Gifted Children.

Audio Tape: (2003). The Values of Talented Adolescents Before and After September 11, 2001.  World Association for the Gifted Conference, August, 2003.

Audio Tape: (2002). “Depth psychology and giftedness: Bringing soul to the field.” National Association for Gifted Children Conference, Denver, CO, November, 2002.

Audio Tape: (2001). Creativity and spirituality With F. Christopher Reynolds. National Association for Gifted Children Conference, Cincinnati, OH, November, 2001.

Audio Tape(2000). Is The Idea of Giftedness an Ideology? Symposium presented with Aimee & Craig Howley and Jean Peterson. National Association for Gifted Children Conference, Atlanta, November, 2000.

Audio Tape: (1998). Feeling Boys, Thinking Girls, and Judging Teachers: Talented Students and the MBTI. CAPT Conference, Orlando, Florida, March 8, 1998.

Audio Tape. (1992). The Dabrowski Theory And Its Relationship to Giftedness. Keynote speech at the SENG Conference. Minneapolis, MN.

Audio Tape: (1992). Understanding Those Who Create. Keynote speech at the SENG Conference, Minneapolis

Audio Tape: (1985). The Hunter College Campus Schools: A Validated Procedure For The Identification of Young Gifted Children. With K. McCarthy. American Association for School Administrators’ Conference, Dallas, Texas.

Piirto, J. (2003). Review of Levesque, L.C. (2001). Breakthrough creativity: Achieving top performance using the eight creative talents. In Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, pp. 79-82. Editor,

Piirto, J. (2002). Review of Tofler, I., & DiGeronimo, T.F. (2000). Keeping your kids out front without kicking them from behind: How to nurture high-achieving athletes, scholars, and performing artists. In Contemporary Psychology, 568-570.. Editor, Robert Sternberg.

Piirto, J. (2001). Review of Bensman, D., (2000) Central Park East and its Graduates: “Learning by Heart” in American Secondary Education.

Piirto, J. (2001). Review of Khatena, J. (2000). Enhancing Creativity of Gifted Children. In High Ability Studies: The Journal of the European Council for High Ability.

Piirto, J. (1996.) Review of Bjork, J. (1993). B.F. Skinner. Gifted Child Quarterly, 40, (4), 193-194.

Piirto, J. (1998). Review of Patrick Slattery. (1995). Curriculum Development in the Postmodern Era. New York: Peter Lang. Gifted Child Quarterly, 42 (4).

Piirto, J. (1997). Review of Barron, F. (1995). No rootless flower: An ecology of creativity. In Creativity Research Journal, 10.

Piirto, J. (1993). Review of B.F. Skinner book. Gifted Child Quarterly, 37 (3).

Piirto, J. (1983). Review of Growing Up Gifted by Barbara Clark. Journal of Creative Children and Adults

Piirto, J. (1983). Review of Freeman, J. (1982). Gifted childrenRoeper Review.

Piirto, J. (1991). An Ethnographic Case Study of a Pullout Program in a Blue-ribbon Midwestern District. For U.S. Office of Educational Research and Improvement. U.S. Dept. Of Education. Contracted research


Dissertation Chair:

Kitt Churma, 2002. An Interview Follow-Up Study Of Adults Who Were Home-Schooled.

Edward Holland, 2004. Co-chair. An Archeological Investigation Of School Tax Abatements.

Lori Beach, 2004. Tall poppies: Profiles Of Highest Achievers On the Overexcitability Questionnaire.

George Johnson, 2007. Chalkboards, Coal Dust, and the Courts. The DeRolph Case Ten Years Later: A Case Study.

Moses Harguyewon, 2007. The Ethiopian Community of Columbus: An Ethnographic Study.

Rhonda Moore, 2007. Phenomenology of the Silencing of Women Teachers.

James Chapple, 2009. Co-teaching: From Obstacles to Opportunities

Sheryl Budd. 2009. “We Need a Design Team for That”: A Qualitative Case Study of the Baldridge Process in a Small Town High School

Maria del Carmen Balotta. 2011. Como El Cantar Del Coquí: Educators Of The Puerto Rican Diaspora In The U. S. Describe What Resilience Means To Them

Kimberly S. Siracuse. 2011. Engendered & Endangered: A Phenomenological Study of the Lives of Twelve Female Social Studies Teachers.

Kristi Graves. 2012. A Mixed Method Analysis Of The Ohio State University Mathematics Coaching Program Site Visits.

Kim Taylor. 2014. My Brothers’ Keeper.

Karen Micko. 2016. Descriptive Cases of Gifted Indian American students and Their Families. Co-chair, University of Toledo.

Dissertation Committees:

20+. Topics including school finance, program development, policy, recruitment of foreign teachers, gang activity in schools, African women professors, working memory, teacher assessment, creativity and spirituality, creativity and dance, gifted women, etc.

External Reviewer:  Monash University, University of New South Wales, Woolongong University, San Francisco Graduate Theological Union, University of Helsinki

Dissertation About Piirto’s Work:

Comeaux, V. M. (2013). Aesthetics in the classroom for social justice: How do the theories of John Dewey, Maxine Greene, and Jane Piirto inform us? Louisiana State University.

Master’s Capstones

Supervisor of Inquiry Seminars, Practica, Theses: Approximately 700 in M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction, with Emphasis in Talent Development Education.

Work With Pre-K-12 Students

1989-2009 : I directed a Summer Honors Institute (approx. 125 gifted and talented freshmen and sophomore students per year) for 19 years, 1989-2009.

Have worked with students pre-K through 12, for 39 years.

1965-1966, 1977-1988: I was a high school teacher of English, French, journalism, social studies; guidance counselor; regional coordinator of programs for the gifted and talented; building principal for elementary school pre-K – 6.

Work With College Students

Have worked with college students, freshmen through doctoral, for 32 years. I began my career as a graduate assistant in the English department at Kent State University, in 1964.



Externally published:

Piirto, J. (2008.) Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1995). A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Essays, Stories, Poems. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing. Third printing, 2005. Made into an e-book on Kindle and on Nook, in 2011. 

Piirto, J. (1985). The Three-Week Trance DietCarpenter Press. Winner. Tenth Anniversary First Novel Contest. E-book available on Kindle and Nook.

Piirto, J. (1983). Postcards from the Upper PeninsulaPollock, SD: Pocasse Press. Poetry chapbook.


Piirto, J. (2011). The Arrest. A Novel. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press. E-book on Kindle and Nook. Finalist in several novel contests.

CHAPBOOKS (self-published with my press, Sisu Press)

Piirto, J. (1977). mamamama. Sisu Press. Poetry chapbook. Illustrations by Pearl Piirto.

Piirto, J. (1996). Between the Memory and the Experience. Poetry chapbook. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press. With help of Ohio Arts Council Individual Artist Fellowship in Poetry.

Piirto, J. (2000). Silent Midnight Snow Falls Down. Sisu Press. Poetry Chapbook.

Piirto, J. (2001). Journeys to sacred places. Sisu Press. Poetry Chapbook. Reprinted with song CD by F. Christopher Reynolds in 2002 and 2005. First published for Art & Soul Conference, 2001, Baylor University.

Piirto, J. (2001). Young Mather in Ishpeming. Sisu Press. Creative nonfiction essay. Chapbook. Reprinted in 2005.

Piirto, J. (2002). Writing India Schools. Sisu Press. Creative Nonfiction and Poetry. Reprinted in 2005.

Piirto, J. (2006). Sleeping With Strangers: Occasional Poems. Sisu Press. Published for Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference, Austin, TX.


Piirto, J. (2002). Fish ScreamInternational Journal of Qualitative Inquiry(2002).

Piirto, J. (1995). Does It Snow in Vietnam? A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing. 

Piirto, J. (1995). Snowman. In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1995) Blueberry Season. In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, and Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1995). Helvi’s Sauna. In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing. 

Piirto, J. (1995). Grass Fires. In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1992). Helvi’s Sauna Heartland, II. Bottom Dog Press. 

Piirto, J. (1990). Blueberry Season M. Karni and A. Jarvenpa (Eds.), Sampo: The Magic Mill (pp. 209-215). Minneapolis: New Rivers Press. 

Piirto, J. (1987). The PersonalsPig Iron (Humor issue) 

Piirto, J. (1983). Blueberry Season. In M. Karni and A. Jarvenpa (Eds.). Finnish American Writers. New Brighton, MN: Finnish Americana Press.

Piirto, J. (1983). Fish ScreamSing, Heavenly Muse! (59-68). Winner: Established Writers Category in Fiction

Piirto, J. (1980). The Small Death. Plainswoman. 

Piirto, J. (1980). The BlanketSing, Heavenly Muse! 79-85. 

Piirto, J. (1979). Grass FiresLouisville Review, 95-109. 

Piirto, J. (1979). Helvi’s Sauna. Denver Quarterly, 47-69.        

Piirto, J. (1974). I Am a Sisseton-Wahpeton SiouxSouth Dakota Review, 35-51.


Piirto, J. (2022). Swimming the Great Lakes. Superior Voyage. Marquette, MI: Gordon Press, pp. 142-43.

Piirto, J. (2021, May 12.) Swimming the Midwest. Essay Daily.

Piirto, J. (2015). T47W‐R27N Rocks.  Essay Daily

Piirto, J. (2000). The Finnishness of my AmericannessConnecting Souls: Finnish American and Canadian Writers. Toronto, ON, Canada: Aspasia Publishers.

Piirto, J. (2000). Krishnamurti and Me. JCT. Spring.

Piirto, J. (1999). Mae. Heartlands Today: Midwest Characters and Voices, 9.

Piirto, J. (1999). Lets Steam Up: Another Story from the Upper Peninsula. (1999). Silent Midnight Snow Comes Down.  Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1999, October). Sauna Saturday. Finnish American Reporter.

Piirto, J. (1997 with 1996 date.) Why Does A Writer Write? Because. Advanced Development, 7.

Piirto, J. (1995). A Writing Life. In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays, (pp. 1-4). New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1995). A Winters Tale. In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays, (pp. 4-5). New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1995). The Summer of The Great Blue Herons. In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays (pp. 212-219). New Brighton, MN: Sampo.

Piirto, J. (1995). The Search For Änna Kärnä. In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, 


Piirto, J. Caught and Tamed. (1974). South Dakota Review.
     • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.
Piirto, J. (1974). Cancer Morning Early. Jam To-Day, 2.
     • (1995). A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.
     • (1999). Silent Midnight Snow Comes Down: 25 Years of Christmas Poems. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.
     • (2008). Saunas: Poems by Jane Piirto. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.
Piirto, J. (1974). Mayday. Lake City.
Piirto, J. (1975). Chain Letter. Riverbottom.
Piirto, J. (1976, Spring). After Sweet Adelines.    (1976). Poetry Now, 3 (2), 47.
     • (1978). Lauber, P. (Ed.). (1978). A Change in Weather: Midwest Woman Poets Eau Claire, WI.
Piirto, J. (1976, Spring). Fall Evening Nap. Rapport, 9, p. 88.
     • (1979). mamamama. Bowling Green, OH: Sisu Press.
Piirto, J. Shotgun Shooting (1976, Spring).  Rapport, 9, p. 90.
     • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press
Piirto, J. (1977). Forts. Bitterroot.
     • (1979). mamamama. Bowling Green, OH: Sisu Press.
     • (1992). Understanding Those Who Create. Dayton, OH: Gifted Psychology Press.
     • (1998). Understanding Those Who Create. 2nd Ed. Tempe, AZ: Gifted Psychology Press.
     • (2004). Understanding Creativity. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press.
     • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.
Piirto, J. (1977). Fox Call. Piirto Press Postcard, Series 2. Bowling Green, OH.
Piirto, J. (1977). South Dakota Saturday Night. Penny Dreadful.
Piirto, J. (1977). Succumbing. Jam To-Day, 2.
• (1979). mamamama. Bowling Green, OH: Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1977). To a Sleeping Child. Firelands Arts Review

  • (1979). mamamama. Bowling Green, OH: Sisu Press. 
  • (1984). R. Fox (Ed.), Poems: 1978-1983. Columbus, OH: Ohio Arts Council. 
  • (1986). J. Lipman (Ed.), Glass Will and Testament (p. 111). Toledo, OH: Toledo Poets Center Press.
  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1977). Tomorrow, Today, and Yesterday. Firelands Arts Review

  • (1979). mamamama. Sisu Press. 
  • (1992). Gabriele Rico’s book on creativity, Pain and Possibility. Los Angeles, CA: Tarcher. 
  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.
  • (2011, September). Garrison Keillor’s radio show, The Writer’s Almanac.

Piirto, J. (1978, Jan-Feb.). Daddy on the Road. Poetry Now, III, p. 134.

Piirto, J. (1978). Esther Williams. In Lauber, P. (Ed.). (1978). A Change In Weather: Midwest Woman Poets Eau Claire, WI Rhiannon Press.

Piirto, J. (1978). Grandma, You Used To. Images, 4 (3), p. 10. 

  • (1981). Finnish Americana, IV, p. 69. 
  • (1983). M. Karni and A. Jarvenpa (Eds.), Finnish American Writers (p. 69). New Brighton, MN: Finnish Americana Press. 
  • (1983). Postcards From The Upper Peninsula. Pollock, SD: Pocasse Press. 
  • (1986). J. Lipman (Ed.), Glass Will and Testament (p. 114-115). Toledo, OH: Toledo Poets Center Press.  
  • (1985, 1988) “Courageous Women: A Photo-History of Finnish -American Women.” Photo exhibit that toured U.S. and Europe, 
  • translated into Finnish and performed at Kuopio University. Reunion of Sisters Project, 1987. 
  • (1989). M. Karni and A. Jarvenpa (Eds.), Sampo: The Magic Mill. Minneapolis: New Rivers. (p. 64).
  • (1992). Otavi: 75th Anniversary Anthology. Helsinki, Finland: Otava. 
  • (1995). A Location in the Upper Peninsula : Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing. 
  • (1996). Advanced Development, 7.
  • (1999). Silent Midnight Snow Comes Down: 25 Years of Christmas Poems. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.
  • (2008). Saunas: Poems by Jane Piirto. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J(1978). Marlene Dietrich. Journal of Popular Culture.

Piirto, J. (1978). Mother Is A Widow. Poet Lore.

  • (1980). They Came To School Dressed Like Flowers: Poets in the Schools Anthology. (Ed., Robert Fox.) Columbus, OH: Ohio Arts Council.
  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1978). Sadie, Sadie. Bloodroot

Piirto, J. (1978). Spoons. The Lamp.

Piirto, J. (1979). All Those Little Brown Birds. Calyx, 3, no. 3, p. 28.

  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1979, Feb.). Will Never Love Anyone the Way I Loved James DeanCalyx

  • (1986). J. Lipman (Ed.), Glass Will and Testament (p. 111). University of Toledo: Toledo Poets Center Press. 
  • (1995). In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing. 
  • (1996). Advanced Development, 7.

Piirto, J. (1979). In the Family Dark. mamamama. Bowling Green, OH: Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1979). The Kissers. Phantasm, 4 (2), Issue 20

Piirto, J. (1979). Pirangea Olivacea. Phantasm, 4 (2). Issue 20.

  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1979). A Portrait. mamamama. Bowling Green, OH: Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. Under the Lights. (1979). mamamama. Bowling Green, OH: Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1979). Watching My Daughter Come Home from Kindergarten. mamamama. Bowling Green, OH: Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1980, April). CanoeOkooch Mountain News

  • (1983). Postcards from the Upper Peninsula. Pollock, SD: Pocasse Press. 
  • (1995). A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1980). Barmaid. Sing, Heavenly Muse! (5), 12.

Piirto, J. (1980, April). Firewood. Okooch Mt. News.

  • (1983). Pied Piper

Piirto, J. (1980). The Company. Sing, Heavenly Muse! (5), pp. 13-17. 

  • (1981). Finnish Americana, IV, p. 71. 
  • (1983). M. Karni and A. Jarvenpa (Eds.), Finnish American Writers (p. 66). New Brighton, MN: Finnish Americana Press. 
  • (1983). Postcards from the Upper Peninsula. Pocasse Press. 
  •  (1995). A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.
  • (2008). Saunas: Poems by Jane Piirto. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1980). Dog Training. In D. Citino (Ed.). 73 Ohio Poets.

Piirto, J. (1980). December Geese. Poetry Now, V (5) p. 32. (1999). 

  • Silent Midnight Snow Comes Down: 25 Years of Christmas Poems. Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1980, April). Sauna. Okooch Mt. News

  • (1981). Finnish Americana, IV, p. 69. 
  • (1983). M. Karni and A. Jarvenpa (Eds.), Finnish American Writers (p. 69). New Brighton, MN: Finnish Americana Press. 
  • (1983). Postcards From The Upper Peninsula. Pocasse Press. 
  • (1989). M. Karni and A. Jarvenpa (Eds.), Sampo: The Magic Mill (p. 180). Minneapolis, MN: New Rivers. 
  • (1995). In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing. Saunas.
  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. May, B.G. (1980, April). Okooch Mt. News.

  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1980). The Raconteur. Lake Superior Review.

Piirto, J. (1980, April). A Story My Mother Told Me. Okooch Mountain News.

  •  (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NYMayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1981). Lilac Time. Poetry Now, VI (3), p. 32. 

  • (1995). In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing. 
  • (1998, November). Mullins, R. Poetic Postcards. Ohio Schools, pp. 24-25.

Piirto, J. (1981, Summer). Mushrooms. Okooch Mt. News

  • (1983). Postcards From The Upper Peninsula. Pocasse Press. 
  • (1995). In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.
  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. Wild Raspberries. (1981). Okooch Mt. News

  • (1983). Postcards from the Upper Peninsula. Pollock, SD: Pocasse Press. 
  • (1995). In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.
  • (1999). Silent Midnight Snow Comes Down: 25 Years of Christmas Poems. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.
  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1982). Dakota Song. Plainswoman.

  • (1985). L. Hasselstrom (Ed.), Horizons: An Anthology of South Dakota Writers. Rapid City, SD: Lame Johnny Press.
  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1982). Cross Country: Michigan. Der Schlopen Dopen, p. 3. 

  • (1983). Postcards from The Upper Peninsula. Bowling Green, OH: Sisu Press.
  • (1983). Pocasse Press. (1995). In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.
  • (1999). Silent Midnight Snow Comes Down: 25 Years of Christmas Poems. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.
  • (2008). Saunas: Poems by Jane Piirto. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press. 

Piirto, J. (1983). Blueberries. Raspberry (3). (1983). 

  • (1983). Postcards from the Upper Peninsula. (1983). Pocasse Press. 
  • (1995). A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.
  •  (1999). Silent Midnight Snow Comes Down: 25 Years of Christmas Poems. Ashland, Oh: Sisu Press. 
  • (2008). Sauna: Poems by Jane Piirto. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1983). Iron Worker. Postcards from the Upper Peninsula. Pocasse Press. 

  • (1995). A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1983). Miner. Postcards from the Upper Peninsula. Pocasse Press. 

  • (1995). In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1983). Poised. Pied Piper. Defiance, OH; Defiance College Poetry Press.

  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1983). Reunion. Postcards from the Upper Peninsula. Pocasse Press. 

  • (1995). In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. Runners (1983). Pied Piper. Defiance, OH: Defiance College Poetry Center; 

  • (1984). R. Fox (Ed.), Ohio Poets Poems: 1978-1983. Columbus, OH: Ohio Arts Council.
  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. Reverie. (1984). R. Fox (Ed.) Ohio Poets: Poems: 1978-1983. Columbus, OH: Ohio Arts Council.

Piirto, J. Mother’s Day. (1985). L. Hasselstrom (Ed.), Horizons: An Anthology of South Dakota Writers. Rapid City: Lame Johnny Press.

  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1985). Postcard: U.S. 212Horizons: An Anthology of South Dakota Writers. Ed. Linda Hasselstrom. Lame Johnny Press.

  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1985). U.S. 212.South DakotaHorizons: Anthology of South Dakota Writers. Linda Hasselstrom, ed. Lame Johnny Press. 

  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1986). m a New Yorker Now. J. Lipman (Ed.), Glass Will and Testament. (p. 116-117). Toledo, OH: Toledo Poets Center Press. 

  • (1999). Silent Midnight Snow Comes Down: 25 Years of Christmas Poems. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press. 
  • (1995). In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1986). Working the Concession Stand for the Band Boosters. In J. Lipman (Ed.), Glass Will and Testament (p. 112). University of Toledo: Toledo Poets Center Press. 

  • (1995). In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1988). Walking to Church on Christmas Eve. The Collegian

  • (1999). Silent Midnight Snow Comes Down: 25 Years of Christmas Poems. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.
  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1990). 18 Maple Trees. Coventry Reader

  • (1995). In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing. 

Piirto, J. (1990). Easter. Poetry in the Park. Columbus Parks. 

  • (1995). In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays . New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing. 
  • (1999). Silent Midnight Snow Comes Down: 25 Years of Christmas Poems. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press. 
  • (2005) Journeys to Sacred Places. Ashland OH: Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1990). Ladies and Gentlemen: The Next Vice-President of the United States. R. McGovern and J. Baranow (Eds.), 80 on the 80’s.Ashland, OH: Ashland Poetry Press.

Piirto, J. (1991). I Guess I Was Always a Feminist. Advanced Development, 3.

  • (1991, 1992). Varieties of Love. Reader’s Theatre with James Alvino.

Piirto, J. (1992). Poetmother. Understanding Those Who Create. Dayton, OH: Gifted Psychology Press.

  • (1996). Advanced Development, 7
  • (1998). Understanding Those Who Create. 2nd Edition. Tempe, AZ: Gifted Psychology Press.
  • (2004). Understanding Creativity. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press.
  • (2017). Coming home to poetry. With K. Micko. In L. Butler-Kisler, J. J. Guiney-Yallop, M. Stewart, & S. Wiebe (Eds.). Poetic inquiries of reflection and renewal. Lunenberg, Nova Scotia, CA: MacIntyre Purcell Publishing Inc. 

Piirto, J. (1993). Blue Bottles. SOI Newsletter.

Piirto, J. (1993). La Difunta Correa. Visions International.

  • Journeys to Sacred Places. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.
  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1995). The Baptism. A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1995). The Big BirdsA Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing. 

  • (1997). Advanced Development, 7.

Piirto, J. (1995).  Everywhere the Voices of the Mothers. A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

  • (2005). Journeys to Sacred Places. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.
  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1995). The Fight. A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1995). Im in the Helsingin Sanomat. A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1995). Her Secret PlaceA Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1995).  From A Porch in the Les Cheneaux Islands. A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1995). Ode to the Dutch Bicycler. European Council for High Ability Newsletter.

  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1995). It Snowed All NightA Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

  • (1999). Silent Midnight Snow Comes Down: 25 Years of Christmas Poems. Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1995). Meditation at Helen Lake, Michigan. In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

  • (1999). Silent Midnight Snow Comes Down: 25 Years of Christmas Poems. Sisu Press. 
  • Saunas (2008). Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1995). Nine Feasts. A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1995). Song for a Midnight Swim. In A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1995). Sunset with Girls. A Location in the Upper Peninsula: Collected Poems, Stories, Essays. New Brighton, MN: Sampo Publishing.

Piirto, J. (1996). A Blessing. Advanced Development, 7.

  • (1999). Silent Midnight Snow Comes Down: 25 Years of Christmas Poems. Sisu Press.
  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1996). A Charm for Singers. Between the Memory and the Experience. Sisu Press. 

  • (1996). Forkroads.
  • (1996). Third Place Winner. FinnFest 1996. The Mining Journal.
  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (1996). Between the Memory and the Experience. Between the Memory and the Experience. Sisu Press. Two printings. (1997). 

  • (1997). Advanced Development, 7
  • (1997). Creativity Research Journal.

Piirto, J. (1996). Blue. Between the Memory and the Experience. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press

Piirto, J. (1996). The Crow. Between the Memory and the Experience. Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1996). Fall Equinox Between the Memory and the Experience. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1996). Fraternity Bar in Athens, Georgia. Between the Memory and the Experience. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press 

  • (1999). What Rough Beast: Poems of the Millennium. Ashland, OH: Ashland Poetry Press. 
  • (2008) sidebar in Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research (2008). (L. Given, Ed.).

Piirto, J. (1996). From Fake Gurus and Charlatan Healers. Between the Memory and the Experience. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1996). Give Me A Man. Between the Memory and the Experience. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1996). It Was the Week. Between the Memory and the Experience. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1996). My Friends All Have Cancer. Between the Memory and the Experience. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1996). O.J. Simpson in My Attic. Between the Memory and the Experience. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1996). People of Bone and Water Advanced Development, 7. 

  • (1996). Between the Memory and the Experience
  • (1996). Broadsides from the Tacoma Arts Commission Readers’ Series.
  • (2005). Journeys to Sacred Places. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1996). Summer Evening, Ashland. Between the Memory and the Experience. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1996). The Scream. Between the Memory and the Experience. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1996). Weekends. Between the Memory and the Experience. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press

Piirto, J. (1996). The Weight of My Belly. Between the Memory and the Experience Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1996). What Savage Aspirations. Between the Memory and the Experience. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press

Piirto, J. (1996). Where Are You Going On Vacation? Between the Memory and the Experience. Sisu Press.

Piirto, J. (1996). Women Like Horses. Forkroads

  • (1996). Between the Memory and the Experience. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.
  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.
  • (2017). Coming home to poetry. With K. Micko. In L. Butler-Kisler, J. J. Guiney-Yallop, M. Stewart, & S. Wiebe (Eds.). Poetic inquiries of reflection and renewal. Lunenberg, Nova Scotia, CA: MacIntyre Purcell Publishing Inc.

Piirto, J. (1999). Silent Midnight Snow Comes Down:Solstice Poems 1973 to 2020. See individual poems by number. 

Piirto, J. (1999, December). German Soldier at MMA. Finnish American Reporter.

Piirto, J. For the Clubbers. (2000). Connecting Souls: Finnish Voices in North America. Edited by Varpu Lindstrom & Borje Vahamaki. Beaverton, ON, Canada: Aspasia Press.

  • (2005). Journeys to Sacred Places: Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.
  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. Savu Sauna. (2000). Finnish American Reporter. 

  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (2000). Tango Finland. Connecting Souls: Finnish Voices in North America. Edited by Varpu Lindstrom & Borje Vahamaki. Beaverton, ON, Canada: Aspasia Press.

  • Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (2001). Mass at Notre Dame de Paris Bethany Lutheran Church Newsletter.

Piirto, J.(2001).  Srebreniça. Red River Review

  • (1996). Between the Memory and the Experience. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press. 
  • (2005). Journeys to Sacred Places. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.
  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (2001). Juhannus. Finnish American Reporter.

  • Journeys to Sacred Places. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press.
  • (2008). Saunas. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (2002).  Crazy is Good. International Journal of Qualitative Inquiry

Piirto, J. (2002-2005) 5 printings.  Journeys to Sacred Places. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press. Poems read at Art &: Soul Conference, Baylor University, and other conferences and public appearances.

  • Aconcagua
  • At The Top of the Ladder is the Sky
  • Peacock Year
  • Ramadan at the El Hussein
  • Acropolis
  • The Queen’s Pyramid
  • Walking at Mohenjo-dara
  • Lying on This Hotel Bed in Mendoza
  • The Taj Boys
  • Wire Field
  • Domenican Cloister on Santorini
  • The Labyrinth
  • Bear Butte, SD
  • Over These Rough Seas
  • A Blessing
  • Light Within the Grove
  • Statue Park: Gigantic Memorials from the Communist Dictatorship
  • Lourdes Lifeblood
  • A Visit to Krishnamurti’s
  • Afterwards

Piirto, J. (2006). An Intensity of Lack. Van Gogh’s Ear. French Connection Press, Paris, France.

Piirto, J. (2006, October 26). Sleeping With Strangers and Other Occasional Poems. Ashland, OH: Sisu Press. 

Poems read at 7th Conference of the Curriculum and Pedagogy Group, Balcones, Texas.

  • Sleeping with Strangers
  • The Day Again
  • The Cemetery Crows
  • Innis Woods
  • I Wake, In Dream, Restless
  • Sitting Parked in the Rain
  • Sweet Honey in the Rock
  • Outside the Goodwill
  • Sitting in the Irish Pub
  • In the Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
  • Boys’ Choir at the Washington Cathedral
  • Interruptions
  • Mall of America
  • San Diego Bay
  • The Elk Have Left Us
  • The House Has Slid
  • An Intensity of Lack
  • Karhu
  • Mario Maori
  • Feathers of the Panther
  • Hokitika
  • Musee Des Beaux Arts
  • Complement
  • Mel
  • These Last Few Months Here

Piirto, J. (2008). Amish AngelusGreenhouse: Anthology of Rustbelt Roethke Writers’ Workshop. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press, p. 43. 

Piirto, J. (2008). Karhu. Saunas: Poems by Jane Piirto. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press.

Piirto, J. (2008). Spring Beauties. Greenhouse: Anthology of Rustbelt Roethke Writers’ Workshop. Ed., Judith Kerman. (Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press), p. 44-46. 

Piirto, J. (2008). Taking Sauna: Saturdays, 1950s. Saunas: Poems by Jane Piirto. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple.

Piirto, J. (2008). Tango ArgentinaSaunas: Poems by Jane Piirto. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple.

Piirto, J. (2009). Do Infinity. “All Children” includes the talented: A poetic inquiry. Educational Insights13(3). [Available:]

Piirto, J. (2009). Eyes Closed. “All Children” includes the talented: A poetic inquiryEducational Insights13(3). [Available:].

  • (2014). Organic Creativity in the Classroom. Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.

Piirto, J. (2009). Ancient Weaponry. “All Children” includes the talented: A poetic inquiry. Educational Insights13(3). [Available:]

Piirto, J. (2009). Assessment. “All Children” includes the talented: A poetic inquiry. Educational Insights13(3). [Available:]

Piirto, J. Poet. (2009). “All Children” includes the talented: A poetic inquiry. Educational Insights13(3). [Available:

Piirto, J. (2009). Poem About Friends. “All Children” includes the talented: A poetic inquiry. Educational Insights13(3). [Available:]

Piirto, J. (2009). Songwriting. “All Children” includes the talented: A poetic inquiry. Educational Insights13(3). [Available:]

Piirto, J. String theory. (2009). “All Children” includes the talented: A poetic inquiry. Educational Insights13(3). [Available:]

Piirto, J. Teenage Physicists At Goodwill. (2009). “All Children” includes the talented: A poetic inquiry. Educational Insights13(3). [Available:

Piirto, J. (2008). TrespassingSaunas: Poems by Jane Piirto. Woodstock, NY: Mayapple Press. 

Piirto, J. (2013). At the Park Cemetery. Kippis! A Literary Journal, 6(1), p. 25.

Piirto, J. (2013).  Behind. In R. Riekki (Ed.), The Way North: Collected Upper Peninsula New Works (p. 44). Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press. Nominated for Pushcart Prize.

Piirto, J. (2013).  Cedar WaxwingsFinNALA Newsletter, 6 (1). Online.

Piirto, J. (2013). Coda. FinNALA Newsletter March 1, 2013 Volume 6 Number 1

Piirto, J. (2013). The Only Thing to Do This Fall Day. In R. Riekki (Ed.), The Way North: Collected Upper Peninsula New Works (p. 46). Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

Piirto, J. Trio. (2013). Kippis! 6:1, p. 25.

Piirto, J. (2014). The Poet Visits. Advanced Development, 14, pp. 111-112. Online.

Piirto, J. (2015). Here. In Riekki, R. (Ed.) Here: Women Writing on Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.  East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press. (p. 166). Chosen by editor for title poem of the anthology.

  •  Eighteen Maple Trees, p. 118.

Piirto, J. (2015). PastyKippis 6, 1, p. 26.

  • (2017). And Here: 100 Years of Upper Peninsula Writing, 1917–2017. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press.

Piirto, J. (2016). Poems Written in Service of “Service”. In K. Galvin and M. Prendergast (Eds.). Poetic inquiry II: Seeing, caring, understanding(pp. 124-148). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. 

  • At the Education Convention, 1
  • At the Education Convention, 3
  • Choirs of Children Sing
  • Dear Editor
  • Dear Promotion and Tenure Committee
  • External Reader
  • Keynote
  • Parents’ Meeting Speaker
  • The Grant Application Reader, 1
  • The Grant Application Reader, 2
  • The CAEP Coordinator Reports
  • Waiting

Piirto, J. (2017). The Company,  & Pasty. And Here: 100 Years of Upper Peninsula Writing, 1917-2017. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press.  pp. 64-72.

Piirto, J. (2019). Evidence-based. Scientists and Poets #Resist.

Piirto, J. (2022). The Lilacs of Ishpeming. Superior Voyage: Marquette Poets’ Circle Anthology. Marquette, MI: Gordon Press, pp. 140-41.

            Social Distance, p. 137.

            God Checks Email, p. 138.

           White Birds on a Sand Bar, p. 139.

Piirto, J. (2023, June). The Lilacs of Ishpeming.  Marq uette Monthly.

Piirto, J. (2024, April). 5 poems. Yooper Poetry: On Experiencing Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Anthology. Ed. Raymond Luczak. Modern History Press.

  • Meteor Showers
  • Ketchimaki’s Farm
  • Pine Cone
  • Spectre on the Seney Stretch
  • Iron Man




Piirto, J. (2020, August 11). Speech for Iron Mining Museum Summer Series, Michigan. “The Mathers of Ishpeming and Cleveland: A Social History.” 

Piirto, J. (2017, July 22). Keynote speech at World Council for the Gifted Annual Meeting, Sydney, Australia. Organic Creativity.  Also preconference workshop on How to Embed Creativity Into the Classroom.

Piirto, J. (2016, March 19-22). The creative process and Organic Creativity. Teaching workshop and public lecture at Monash University, Victoria, Australia

Piirto, J. (2016, March 3). The creative process in writers. Paper presented at 15th Conference of the European Council for High Ability, Vienna, Austria.

Piirto, J. (2015, November). Writing the qualitative dissertation. Research Crackerbarrel. National Association for Gifted Children Conference, Phoenix, Arizona.

Piirto, J. (2014, November). Unlocking the Unlocking the Creative Process:  A New Educational Psychology of Creativity.  Public Lecture as Harry Jack Gray/N.E.H. Distinguished Teaching Professor. University of Hartford, Hartford, CT. 

Piirto, J. (2014, November). Six Ways of Looking at the Personalities of Talented Adolescents. Paper presented at National Association for Gifted Children conference, Baltimore, MD. 

Piirto, J. (2014, September). The Sun of School in Educating Talented Students: The Piirto Pyramid of Talent Development and Talent in Domains. Paper given at European Council for High Abiity Conference. Ljubljana, Slovenia. 

Piirto, J. (2014, July). Harry Jack Gray/N.E.H. Distinguished Teaching Professor. Creativity for 21st Century Skills. A 4-day workshop for selected local teachers. University of Hartford, CT. National Endowment for the Humanities Grant.

Piirto, J. (2014, February). Organic Creativity in the Classroom. Keynote speech at the American Association of Teacher Education, St. Louis, Missouri. 

Piirto, J. (2013, November) Organic Creativity in the Classroom: 2 panels with authors of chapter in 2013 edited book. National Association for Gifted Children meeting, Indianapolis, IN. 

Piirto, J., & Janish, K. (2013, October). Coming Home to Poetry. Presentation at 4th International Symposium on Poetic Inquiry. Montreal, Quebec, CA. 

Piirto, J. (2013, June). The Finnishness of My Americanness. Literary Reading. Finnfest, 2013. Houghton, MI.

Piirto, J. (2013, May). Creativity for 21st Century Skills: Enhancing Creativity in Teaching and Learning. University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.

Piirto, J. (2013, April). Creativity for 21st Century Skills. Flip Your World Conference, Cuyahoga County, OH: Flip Your World Conference. 

Piirto, J. (2013, March). Discovering, Nurturing, and Developing Talent. Hathaway Brown School Special Speakers’ Series. This is on the school’s website.

Piirto, J. (2012, November). Five Ways of Looking at Personality. National Association for Gifted Children Conference, Denver, CO. Paper accepted but I was unable to attend.

Piirto, J. (2012, Summer). U. P. Writers’ Tour. 3 readings of poetry and proses: Republic, Lake Linden, Manistique, Michigan)

Piirto, J. (2012, January). Unlocking the creative process. Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Chicago, IL, Keynote.

Piirto, J. (2011, December). “My Teeming Brain”: Understanding Creative Writers. Speech/reading at Malone University, Canton, OH.

Piirto, J. (2011, November). Creativity for 21st Century Skills. Paper presented at National Association for Gifted Children conference, New Orleans, LA.

Piirto, J. (2011, October.) Poems written at work. Paper presented at 2nd International Poetic Inquiry Conference, University of Bournemouth, United Kingdom.

Piirto, J. (2011, September). Creativity for 21st Century Skills. Workshop presented at Gifted Coordinators state meeting, Breckenridge, CO.

Piirto, J. (2011, June-July). U. P. Writer’s Tour. Readings at Peter White Public Library, Marquette, MI, and Carnegie Public Library, Ishpeming, MI.

Piirto, J. (2011, April). Themes in the Lives of Visual Artists: The Piirto PyramidOhio Association of Graphic Designer Educators. North Central College of Ohio. Keynote. 

Piirto, J. (2010, November). Chokecherries, Creativity, Gender, The Pyramid. Distinguished Scholar Session. National Association for Gifted Children conference, Atlanta, GA.

Piirto, J. . & Fraas, J. (2010, November). A Mixed Methods Comparison Study of the OEQ with Gifted Students and Vocational Students. National Association for Gifted Children conference, Atlants, GA.

Piirto, J. (2010, July). Alternative Ways of Researching the Talented. European Council for High Ability Conference, Paris, France.

Piirto, J. , Montgomery, D., & Fisher, J. (2009, November). St. Louis, MO. National Association for Gifted Children Conference. Perfectionism and Personality: A Multiple Regression Study Comparing the NEO-PI-R and the MPS on talented adolescents. 

Piirto, J.(2008, April). Oakland University, Michigan. Faculty Teaching and Learning Conference. Infusing Creativity into Teaching at the University LevelInvited speech, 2008.

Piirto, J. , Montgomery, D., & Fisher, J. Prague, Czech Republic. European Council for High Ability Perfectionism and Personality: A Multiple Regression Study Comparing the NEO-PI-R and the MPS on talented adolescents. Also chaired perfectionism  session. 2008. 

Piirto, J.  (2008, April, May) (2009, November)“All Children” Includes the Talented: A Poetic Inquiry. 2008, University of Iowa.Wallace Research SymposiumAlso presented this at American Association for Curriculum Studies, New York City, Teacher’s College, 2008National Association for Gifted Children meeting, St. Louis, 2009.

Piirto, J.  (2007, January). Los Angeles, CA. Staples Center. Los Angeles Unified School District.  A New Educational Psychology of Creativity.  Keynote speech, (audience of 3500). 2007.

Piirto, J.  (2007, August) The Piirto Pyramid and the Psychological Development of Creative Writers.  Conference presentation Warwick, U. UK.World Council for Gifted Children.. 

Piirto, J. (2007, November). The Seven I’s of the Psychology of Creativity: Inspiration. Minneapolis, MNNational Association for Gifted Children Conference.

Piirto, J. (2007, October). “All Children” Includes the Talented. Vancouver, BC, CA. University of British Columbia. Poetic Inquiry Conference.

Piirto, J. (2007, March). Parenting the Gifted Child. University Heights, OH. 

Piirto, J. (2007, April). Tulsa, OKOklahoma Association for the Gifted and Talented. Keynote speech and breakout on creativityThe Piirto Pyramid and Development of Talent in Domains.

Piirto, J., & Montgomery, D. (2006, May). University of Iowa, Wallace Symposium on Giftedness and Talent Development. A Comparison of U.S. and Korean Talented Teenagers on the OEQ II.

Piirto, J. (2006, October). Lahti, Finland. European Council for High Ability. Keynote Speech. Creativity in the Domains of Creative Writing and Visual Arts.

Piirto, J., & Johnson, G. (2004, October). Personality attributes of talented adolescents. Paper presented at the European Council for High Ability Conference, Pamplona, Spain; also 2005, May. Wallace Symposium, University of Iowa. Also 2004, National Association for Gifted Children Conference. 

Piirto, J. (2004, October). Wisconsin Dells, WI. Wisconsin Association for the Gifted and Talented. Invited workshop funded by Milwaukee corporation and filmed. Creativity and the Creative Process

Piirto, J. (2006, Oct.) Findlay, OH Public SchoolsInservice presentation on creativity and the creative process. 

Piirto, J. (2006, Oct) Ontario, CA. Workshop on giftedness and talent. 

Piirto, J. (2006, Oct). Arts-based Educational Research Conference. Balcones Springs, TX. Led open mike poetry reading and did invited reading. 

National Association for Gifted Children, Charlotte, NC. Intuition and The Thorn in the Piirto Pyramid of Talent Development, (performance/lecture with F. C. Reynolds) and one invited presentation to North Carolina Parents of the Gifted and Talented. 

Piirto, J. (1999). Themes in the lives of successful contemporary U.S. women creative writers at midlife: A qualitative study. Invited paper. Presented at 1995 Third Wallace Symposium on Talent Development. University of Iowa.

Book talk at Lakewood Public Library, Ohio. Understanding Creativity

American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies Conference, Montreal, Quebec. Creativity as Postmodern

Brecksville/Broadview HeightsOhio How Parents Can Enhance Creativity in Children.; 

University of Illinois, Champaign. 1st International Conference on Qualitative InquiryWriting India Schools: Creative Nonfiction and Poetry;

Alabama Association for the Gifted, BirminghamCreativity in Domains and The Seven Is of Creativity. Keynote and breakout session

FinnGrandFest, Marquette, MichiganA Location in the Upper PeninsulaBook talk and literary reading. 

Moscow, Russia. (2005. September). A New Educational Psychology of Creativity1st International Conference on Creativity Research. Moscow Institute of Psychology. 

Ashland, Ohio. (2005, October). Invited speech for Phi Delta Kappa. How Do We Educate Bright Children

U.S. Office of Education, Washington, DC. (2005, November). Grant evaluation panel.

Louisville, KY: (2005, November). Board of Directors Workshop, National Association for Gifted Children. Teaching to Intuition. With Bill Keilty. Creativity DivisionA New Educational Psychology of Creativity.

College of William and Mary. (2004, March). Keynote SpeechNational Curriculum ConferenceCreativity in Domainsand Creativity as Personal Transformation

San Diego. (2004, April). American Educational Research Association meeting, Profiles of Teaching ArtistsQualitative Study. With Dr. Barry Oreck; 

Columbus Public Schools, Ohio. Four presentations on creativity in domains. for all the arts teachers; 

Green Springs Public Schools. (2004, May). Speech for parents of gifted students. Top Ten Concerns of Parents;

University of Iowa, Iowa City.  (2004, May). Personality Attributes of Talented Adolescents: The MBTI and the HSPQ (with doctoral student, George Johnson), and The Creative Process in Poets. Wallace Research Symposium; 

Utah State University. (2004, July). Inter-Mountain Gifted Education Conference. Keynote speech, Creativity in Domains with Reference to the Piirto Pyramid of Talent Development, and 4 breakout sessions;

Melbourne, Australia. (2004, August). Keynote speaker for the Australia Association of Gifted Children Conference, with one breakout session. Creativity in Domains with Reference to the Piirto Pyramid of Talent Development

Pamplona, Spain. (2004, September). Conference of the European Council for High Ability. Two presentations and chair of a session. With doctoral student George JohnsonPersonality Attributes of Talented Adolescents, and Creativity as Personal Transformation

Piirto, J. (2004). Wichita, Kansas. Kansas Association for Gifted ChildrenThree keynote speeches and six breakout sessions on creativity, curriculum, and parenting; 

Piirto, J. (2004). Salt Lake City, Utah. National Association for Gifted ChildrenPre-conference workshop on Piirto Pyramid of Talent Development, Session on Intuition and Creativity, Session on Personality Attributes of Talented Adolescents (with George Johnson, doctoral student). Panel on creativity. Special Invited Session of a literary reading of poetry and prose. 

Phoenix, Arizona. (2003, January). Arizona Association for the Gifted. Keynote speech. Understanding Those Who Create Also two pull-out sessions on creativity; Understanding Those Who Create

Before 2003

Tulsa, Oklahoma. Project CREATE. Also two pull-out sessions on creativity; Creativity as Personal Transformation

Corpus Christi, Texas, Conference By The Sea. Two full-day workshops on creativity. With F. Christopher Reynolds as co-presenterCreativity as Personal Transformation.

Adelaide, Australia. World Council for Gifted and Talented Conference; Pre-conference workshop, Creativity as Personal Transformation And Values of Talented Adolescents Before and After 9/11/2001.

Indianapolis, IN. National Association for Gifted Children ConferenceCreativity as Personal TransformationSessions on the Visitation of the Muse and the Values of Talented Adolescents Before and After 9/11/2001.

 Invited colloquium for faculty at Ashland University. 25 Years of Research: What Have I Learned?

 Denver, CO. National Association for Gifted Children Conference. Two invited panels on creativity. . Depth Psychology and Giftedness, II, Understanding Those Who CreateReading at Tattered Cover Bookstore.

Rhodes, Greece. European Council for High Ability Conference. Values of Talented Adolescents Before and After 9/11/2001.

Minneapolis, MN. Finnfest USA. The Finnishness of My Americanness. Presentation and reading at Finnfest, 2002.  Readingof original poetry and prose. Literature Panel; 

Laredo, TX. Differentiation of CurriculumFour presentations for high school teachers; 

Mansfield, OH. Differentiation of Curriculum

Yangzte River, ChinaCreativity in Poets of the TAng DynastyCreativity and Madness Conference. 

University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. The Values of Talented AdolescentsWallace Research Symposium on the Gifted and Talented. 

Ashland, OH. Parenting the giftedTri-County ESC parent meeting.

New Orleans, LA. Panel on Arts-Based Research. (With Rebecca Spehler, Patrick Slattery, Donald Blumenfeld-Jones, Celeste Schroeder.) American Educaational Research Association. I proposed and led this panel. The Values of Talented Adolescents: Rokeach Value Survey of Summer Honors Institute Students 1999, 2000, 2001Discussant for three sessions, one on qualitative research, two on arts-based research. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting; 

Baylor University. Waco, TX: Writing as a Spiritual Practice. Art & Soul Conference. With F. Christopher Reynolds and Michael Olin Hitt; 

Cincinnati, OH. National Association for Gifted Children Conference Creative Process As Phenomenology: Spirituality and Healing: Performance of Poetry and Song. National Association for Gifted Children Conference. With F. Christopher Reynolds; Depth Psychology and Giftedness. National Association for Gifted Children Conference. With F. Christopher Reynolds; Creativity panel. With other authors of the Allyn & Bacon book Enhancing Creativity in Children.

 Victoria, BC, Canada. Boston Public and American High film festival. Curriculum & Pedagogy Conference; Arts-Based Research for High Stakes Masters Degree Projects. With 8 former graduate students. Arts-Based Educational Research Special Interest Group. American Educational Research Association.

Myrtle Beach, SC. History of Gifted Education. A two-day series of lectures on my book, Talented Children and Adults to various graduate classes and teacher groups.

Huron, Ohio. Differentiation of Curriculum. Inservice workshop presented to all teachers in district.

Barcelona, Spain. World Council for Gifted Children Conference. Able Underachievers. 12 Issues: Presentation and discussant on international panel.  

Baylor University. Art & Soul Conference. Journeys to Sacred Places. Poetry reading. Also conducted a seminar with graduate students in psychology and education. 

Balcones Springs, Texas. Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference. Krishnamurti on Education. ; Drawing Pictures with Words: A Mini-Workshop in Using Fictional Techniques for Writing Research. Arts Based Educational Research Conference: Poetry reading at Ruta Maya Coffeehouse, Austin. 

Atlanta, GA. National Association for Gifted Children Conference: Is the Psychology of Giftedness an Ideology? With Aimee Howley, Craig Howley, Jean Peterson. ; Multiple Criteria Identification of Creative Youth: Methods, Measures, Mistakes With Anne Fishkin, Bonnie Cramond, Mary Frasier, Jonathan Plucker, Sally Reis, Joseph Renzulli; Three Faces of Spiritual Giftedness. With Michael Piechowski, and James Alvino, Dualing Pyramids . With Laura Shulkind, and Carole R. Harris, Do Academically Talented Adolescents Have Unique Personality Attributes? The OEQ and the MBTI. With Lori Beach, Geri Cassone, Robbin RogersDo Academically Talented Adolescents Have Unique Personality Attributes?

 Debrecen, Hungary. Do Academically Talented Adolescents Have Unique Personality Attributes? With Lori Beach, Robbin Rogers, European Council for High Ability Conference.

New Orleans. American Educational Research Association Conference,“ My Teeming Brain.  

Hong Kong. Drunk Beneath the Moon; Psychological Truths from the TAng poets . American Medical Education Institute. 

Columbia, MO: University of MissouriTeaching the gifted and talented

Albuquerque, NM. AERA Arts-Based Research Conference; Writing Education with Creative Nonfiction

QUIG (Qualitative Research in Education Conference), Athens, Georgia. University of Georgia. Archival document review: Doing qualitative research the old-fashioned way: My Teeming Brain.

 Technical Advisory Panel. Ohio Department of Education Division of Special Education; Columbus, OH: State House Bill 282 & Creativity Assessment: A Solomonic SituationStatewide Conference sponsored by Ohio Department of Education, Division of Special Education; 

Albuquerque, NM: Schools for the Talented in Southern India and My Teeming Brain: A Psychology of Creative Writers.National Association for Gifted Children Conference in Albuquerque, NM. 

Journal of Curriculum Theorizing Conference. Bergamo Center, Dayton, OH: Krishnamurti and me: Meditations on His Educational Philosophy and on India.

Edinburg, Texas and Laredo, Texas–3 one-day workshops on teaching for creativity for teachers at regional Educational Service Centers and for local school districts. 

Athens, Greece. The Visitation of the Muse: Divine Madness —American Medical Education Institute Group Creativity and Madness. Aegean Sea, Greece. The Bacchantes. Staged reading for American Medical Education Institute Group, Creativity and Madness;

 Trivandrum, Kerala, India.—Jesuit Boys’ High School. Divergent Production for a group of high school boys. Pune, India. Jnana Prabhodini School. Recent Western Creativity Research and Enhancement. For School Psychologists of the region; 

Louisville, Kentucky. Twelve Issues. Postmodern issues in the education of the talented. National Association for Gifted Children annual conference; 

Columbus, Ohio. Twelve Issues. Postmodern Issues In The Education Of The Talented. Ohio Association for Gifted Children annual conference; 

Bloomington, Indiana. Journal for Curriculum Theorizing Annual Conference: (1) Teacher! Teacher! A Readers Theater Inquiry Seminar. (2) Why Does A Writer Write? 

Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Keynote speech and workshop for Wisconsin Association for Gifted Children, Understanding Those Who Create

Oxford, England Twelve Issues. Postmodern Issues In Talent Development Education. With original video. Also paper presentation. European Council for High Ability conference. 

Eagle Harbor, Michigan. Creative Nonfiction/Poetry Reading from A Location in the Upper Peninsula at Northwind Bookstore; 

Lansing, Michigan Consulting, with Michigan Department of Education and Michigan Council of Coordinators on Individual Educational Plans (IEPs for Gifted Learners). (The state of Michigan later adopted a version of my form from my book, Talented Children and Adults.);

 Consulting with Sandusky, Ohio coordinators on reconfiguration of LEA gifted education programs July. 

Long Island, NY. Adelphi University, New York, Creativity Conference: The Piirto Pyramid of Talent Development

Columbus, Ohio Workshop for Ohio Department of Education on Best Practices: Direct Teaching to Enhance Creativity” 

Iowa City, Iowa. Wallace Symposium on Research in Talent Development, University of Iowa: 12 Issues: Postmodern Curriculum Theory

Marion, Ohio Speech to Rotary Club: Encouraging High Achievement

Troy, Michigan Keynote. Michigan Association for the Gifted and Talented: Direct Teaching to Enhance Creativity

Massillon, Ohio Workshop for Stark County Schools, Ohio: Direct Teaching to Enhance Creativity

Orlando, Florida. Center for Applications of Personality Type Conference (CAPT) in: Feeling Boys, Thinking Girls, and Judging Teachers: The MBTI and Talented Students

Battle Creek, Michigan Expert in Residence for Kellogg Foundation. 3 speeches to community groups. (Keynote of a conference on Girls and Achievement. Keynote for Junior Achievement club: Boys and Achievement. Parents’ group of gifted and talented students.); 

National Curriculum Conference at the College of William and Mary: Three invited speeches. (1) Poetry reading: (2) Direct Teaching to Enhance Creativity: (3) Panel on Talent Development Models.

Little Rock, AK . Columbus, Ohio, Boulder, Colorado. The Dabrowski Theory of Emotional Development Open Spaces Conference; 

Hameenlinna, Finland. Keynote for teachers’ conference on creativity in children. Also read my poetry in tandem with a Finnish literature teacher who read a translation of it. May to June. Hameenlinna, Finland. Summer University. University of Tampere, Finland. Instructor for three weeks. Teaching for Creativity. Graduate credit for students; 

Bath, Ohio School District. Avon Lake, Ohio.Williamsburg, Virginia. College of William and Mary. Vienna, Austria, Elyria, OH , Tacoma, WA. Poetry/ Creative Nonfiction Reading for Arts Council Distinguished Writer Series. 

Marquette, Michigan Keynote speech for faculty development day. College Teaching in the Postmodern Age. Northern Michigan University. 

Banff, Alberta, Canada: Two studies on the OEQ

Tucson, Arizona: Speech on Enhancing Creativity the Organic Way at conference at University of Arizona, Tucson.

Other topics and places consulted with, and spoken to:

U.S. State Dept., Near East/Southern Asia Council of Overseas Schools: New Dehli, India; Karachi, Pakistan; Islamabad, Pakistan; Dhaka, Bangladesh; Cairo, Egypt; Athens, Greece, Ashland County, and Wayne County, Ohio, Workshops in Wood County, Ohio; Erie County, Ohio; Akron, Ohio; Canton, Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio; Houston, TX; Baltimore; New Orleans; Little Rock; Kansas City; Los Angeles; Salt Lake City; Denver; Atlanta and others. 


Readings of Original Poetry and Fiction. Athens, Greece; Brookings, S.D.; Austin, Texas; Bowling Green, Ohio; Cairo, Egypt; Cleveland, Ohio; Columbus, Ohio; Dhaka, Bangladesh; Hameenlinna, Finland; Helsinki, Finland; Huron, Ohio; Ishpeming, Michigan; Islamabad, Pakistan; Jackson, Michigan; Kansas City, Missouri, Kuopio, Finland; Lima, Ohio; Little Rock, Arkansas; Marquette, Michigan; Milwaukee, WI; Minneapolis, Minn.; New Dehli, India; New York City, N.Y.; Portland, ME; Pune, India; Tacoma, WA; Salt Lake City, UT; Toledo, Ohio; Toronto, ON, Canada; Traverse City, Michigan; Trivandrum, Kerala, India; Watertown, S.D.; Williamsburg, VA; Wooster, OH. Finnish-American Women Writers. Toronto, ON, Canada; Marquette, MI; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Helsinki, Finland. The Woman Writer. Ann Arbor, Michigan; Bowling Green, Ohio; Toledo, Ohio. Creative Writing Workshops. Brookings, S.D.; Bowling Green State University, Ohio; Cairo, Egypt; Dhaka, Bangladesh; Islamabad, Pakistan; Jackson Community College, Mich.; Karachi, Pakistan; Lima Arts Council, Ohio; Lucas County School for Handicapped Children, Ohio; New Dehli, India; Northern Michigan University, Marquette; Monroe, Michigan; Mount Marty College, S.D.; New York City, New York; Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan; South Dakota State University, Senior Citizens Center of Toledo; University of Toledo, Ohio; Waterloo, Iowa, Western Caribbean. Reader’s Theater. “Varieties of Love.” Original script developed with James Alvino. Little Rock, Arkansas, Columbus, Ohio, Kansas City, Missouri.

I also own, edit, and publish small press literature chapbooks and postcards under the name of Piirto Press and Sisu Press. 1978 to present.


  • Approx. $1,000,000 total. Ohio Department of Education. Summer Honors Institutes 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009. For high school honors students.
  • Technical Consultant for Ohio Department of Education on various statewide education grants. 
  •  Internal grants and individual grants: Fulbright-Hays; Two Individual Artist Fellowships from Ohio Arts Council in 1983 and 1992. 
  •  Grant review panels for Ohio Arts Council, U.S. Office of Education, National Endowment for the Arts, Michigan Department of Education, Ohio Department of Education. 


1. Ashland University, Ashland, Ohio. Trustees’ Distinguished Professor since 1998. (Fourth in the history of Ashland University, founded 1876). 1998 to 2017.

·            1988- 2017:  Administrative: Title: Director of Talent Development Education. Directed Talent Development Education program at 6 sites. Supervised master’s degree program in Curriculum and Instruction with Emphasis in Talent Development Education.  Supervised adjunct professors at all sites. (N=20)

·                   Developed courses and lead NCATE, North Central, and Ohio Department of Education accreditation for Endorsement and Intervention Specialist/Gifted Licensure.  

·                     Taught  graduate courses in Talent Development Education program: Online, Hybrid, and Face to Face

·                     Taught  graduate courses in Foundations: Online, Hybrid, and Face to Face

·                   Taught  Qualitative Research Course & Dissertation Prospectus Course in Ed. D. program. Chaired dissertations in Ed.D.  Serve as methodologist on dissertation committees. 

·                   Committees: Chaired Department Promotion and Tenure committee. Chaired Institutional Promotion and Tenure (elected member at large). Department Promotion and Tenure Committee. Faculty Senate Representative, member of Professional Standards Committee, International Studies Committee, Honors Advisory Committee, Graduate Council.          

·                   Conference organizer. Dabrowski conferences, 1990, 1991, 1992.

·                   Grant writer, organizer, and administrator of nineteen Ohio Department of Education-funded Ohio Summer Honors Institutes, 1989-2009. Total: $1,000,000. 


·                     Principal/Dept. Chair for urban laboratory school of 400 highly able students, Pre-K to 6. One of oldest and most well-known laboratory/experimental schools in the world. Also taught graduate classes: Adjunct Assoc. Prof. 

3. MONROE COUNTY, MICHIGAN. INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DISTRICT. Consultant, General Education, 1979 to 1983. Worked with 9 school districts (27,000 students public and 3,000 parochial) in 65 schools.


4. HARDIN COUNTY SCHOOLS, KENTON, OHIO. Educational Supervisor/Consultant for Gifted Services. 1977 to 1979. Duties similar to above.

5. Bowling Green State University, Ohio (University Fellow/Teaching Fellow, 1974 to 1976). Office of Equal Employment Opportunity.

6. Brookings, South Dakota, Public Schools ( ½ time Central Office Staff (School Public Relations.) ½ time high school guidance counselor (1973 to 1974)

7. Florence Public Schools, South Dakota (1972 to 1973) (Guidance counselor and social studies teacher.)

8. NORTHERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY, MARQUETTE, MICH. (Tenure track college instructor of humanities and literature, 1966 to 1971).

9. Atwater Schools, Atwater, Ohio (high school teacher of English, French, journalism, 1965 to 1966).

 10. OTHER POSITIONS HELD: Ohio Arts Council Artist in the Schools. Poetry and Fiction. Worked with students K – 12 in residencies in creative writing sponsored by National Endowment for The Arts. 1977 to 1980.

Part-time college professor: (l) Mount Marty College, Watertown, South Dakota – 1973-74 (Adjunct, Creative Writing);

(2) Bowling Green State University – 1978-79 (Adjunct, Women’s Studies Dept.)


FIELD: HISTORICAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION/ WOMEN’S STUDIES. TITLE: The Female Teacher: The Beginnings of Teaching as a “Women’s Profession” . (1977). University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan.


American Educational Research Association (AERA) (SIGS: Qualitative Research, Curriculum Studies, Research on The Gifted and Talented (Board member at large), Arts-Based Educational Research); National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) (Divisions: Creativity, Conceptual Foundations, Research, Arts, Counseling and Guidance); Ohio Association for Gifted Children (OAGC); Poets & WritersAmerican Association of University Professors (AAUP); European Council for High Ability (ECHA); Curriculum and Pedagogy Group; World Council for the Gifted; American Psychological Association Division 10—Creativity; Council for Exceptional Children, The Association for the Gifted (CEC-TAG).


Have held New York Administrative & Supervisory, Ohio Supervisory, Ohio Principal, Ohio Local Superintendent, Ohio Counseling, Ohio English, Michigan & South Dakota English and Counseling

REFERENCES on request


Two grown children. One granddaughter